Influencer Inspiration
Earlier this month, we got ready for the party season with a morning of jewellery, manicures, hair styling and colour consultations. We loved seeing our new collections come to life on these lovely ladies who joined us at Duck and Dry in Mayfair.
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so what better way to show our support for these stylish bloggers friends than by taking inspiration from their jewellery style?

Christina Trapani | @chrissabella27
Christina is the loveliest German blogger based in London and she writes the highly addictive lifestyle, Travel and Fashion blog Chrissabella.
Jordan Collyer | @collyertwins @jordancollyer
DJ’s, fashion, travel and lifestyle – introducing one half of the super stylish Collyer twins, the wonderful Jordan.

Loanne Collyer | @collyertwins @loannec
DJ’s, fashion, travel and lifestyle – introducing Loanne, the other half of the super stylish Collyer twins.

Monica B. Welburn-Leggett | @monicabeatrice
Monica loves sharing all kinds of aspects of her life, from interiors, to skincare, wellbeing and travel. Make sure you listen to her Elgin Avenue podcast.
Jessica Arora | @notsuchamodelmum
Mothers and models who manage to juggle it all in impressive style. Hats off to them.
Ginnie Chadwyck-Healey | @ginniech00
The wonderful Sunday Telegraph columnist Ginnie wearing our Chelsea Egg and Chennai Necklace, we’re big fans of her mantra ‘Buy Fewer, Buy Better’.
Katherine Ormerod | @katherine_ormerod
Katherine is just up our strasse. Fashion Editor, Stylist and most importantly an Auree Girl. If you’re looking for something bold yet simple, look no further, our Knightsbridge Triple Hoop Earrings will do just the trick.
Victoria Morris | @victoriajanemorris
Fashion, Beauty and Home – Victoria is an advocate of quality over quantity.

Special thanks to Emily Charlotte Merry for the Colour Consultations, Sophia Monatgu-Pollock for the beautiful calligraphy and Bramble and Willow London for the stunning flowers.