Meet Kelly Eastwood
Meet a very special #AureeAngel Kelly aka (@thelondonchatter). Kelly started The London Chatter in 2011 – a hugely popular (and highly addictive) fashion and lifestyle blog that will never fail to make you smile. We collaborated with Kelly last year to create the Tembo Collection, a seven piece bracelet “Buy to Give” collection inspired by Masai bead designs and which saw 100% of profits go to For Rangers, a charity that supports rangers in their battle to protect Elephants from poaching. We have so far raised over £20,000 and continue to do so. Kelly has now launched ANOTHER “Buy to Give” Collaboration with Elizabeth Scarlett selling Watamu Turtle Pouches with 100% profits going to Local Ocean Conservation. Never has an Angel’s halo been so shiny. We chatted to Kelly to find out her thoughts on Christmas and how she will be spending it.

What will you be wrapping as a gift under the tree?

Where will you be spending Christmas this year?
Back home in Kenya, on the beach. I can’t wait.

Do you have any Christmas traditions?
We always pop our Christmas presents into different size cotton bags made of festive material and ribbon. Not only does this cut out the laborious gift wrapping process, the bags can also be used year after year so therefore is a really eco friendly option.

What’s on your Christmas wishlist?
Alongside an Auree gold Pembroke Pendant, I would love to find some delicious Zoe Jordan cashmere, some Jo Malone Red Roses bath oil and some ribbed beeswax candles by Matilda Goad under the tree! Oh, and some Quality Street. Allllways some Quality Street.
Favourite Christmas Song?
“All I want for Christmas” by Mariah Carey. On repeat. On repeat. On repeat.
What’s the best Christmas present you ever received?
My baby nephew Zac Crosby has just arrived, so that’s a pretty great present this Christmas.

Have you ever had a white Christmas?
White sand, yes. White snow, no. I can live with this.
Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Our Christmas tree is fake, but the palm trees are very, very real.

Are you planning any New Year’s resolutions?
To not use my phone after 10pm.
What would be your dream place to visit for the Christmas holidays?
Zanzibar would be lovely! I also love visiting my goddaughter Piper at her home, Ol Malo – a family-run lodge in Northern Kenya with some of the best views and hosts in Africa.

On the beach or on the snow?

What treats do you leave for Father Christmas?
A minky pie and a Tusker Beer for Father Christmas, and some carrots for the reindeer.