December Birthstone Guide
Known for its vibrant blue green colouring and opaque composition, there really is no stone quite like Turquoise - after all it's the only gemstone to have a colour named after it. Turquoise is said to be the talisman of kings, shamans and warriors. A stone of protection, luck and power, it is believed to bring strength to its bearer. So a good stone to have in a tight spot. Wear this to protect you through your daily battles!

Vibrant Blue Green
The variations seen in the colour and veins of turquoise gemstones found across the world occur due to the different levels of copper and aluminium present - Tibetan Turquoise is a distinctive greenish colour where as the gemstones that are found in Persian and Egyptian mines are much bluer. Just another reason to love Turquoise. Well, we think so anyway.

This beautiful blue gemstone is believed to combine human energies together, which makes it the stone of friendship. This Bali Birthstone Necklace is the perfect present for a friend, or for yourself if you're feeling the self-love this month (we are!).

An Auree Favourite
Bright, vibrant and fabulous and so eye catching, these bright blue studs are something you will just wear all the time. Recently launched, our best selling Barcelona Collection has just acquired these fabulous little studs AND matching bracelets after popular demand. For the ultimate gift, pair the earrings with the matching necklace and bracelet. You know you want to.

Legend Has It
This December birthstone has been cherished and adorned for centuries all across the world. The ancient pharaohs and other rulers of ancient Egypt are believed to have showered themselves in Turquoise to protect themselves from evil and to bring good fortune. And we are doing just that.

Do you have a Turquoise Gemstone to set?
If you are lucky enough to have a Turquoise gemstone lying around in your jewellery box, we are here to help. Our bespoke jewellery service offers any style or idea that you would like, all you have to do is drop us an email or give us a call. We love helping bring ideas to life, especially when such beautiful gemstones can be given a new lease of life.